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The peer joins a group, adding it to a list of shared torrents on the tracker. The shared torrent group stores a lot of data pertaining to the header of the file to be downloaded and some of this data may be confidential. The peer informs other peers in it the about the torrent group it has just added.
The torrent protocol is used to break the destination file into pieces. Each part of the destination file is broken up into small pieces which are known as torrent chunks or blocks. Each small piece of data is also known as torrent block. A block is the smallest unit of a torrent. The size of a block depends on the type of torrent file. This is the piece of data which is sent back and forth to the peer which is downloading the file. More pieces of the file mean that it takes more time for the peer to download the file from the sender. The chunk size which is specified in the ‘add chunk’ command is the size of this block.
The peer then tells the tracker about the IP of the client which is downloading it. At this point, just before communication between the client and the tracker is initiated the tracker should counter this. This checks the client is who it says it is, i.e. that it is not a proxy, and this ensures that the torrent client is who it claims to be. The tracker replies back and tells the IP:
The peer then sends the blocksize and seeders to the tracker. The tracker then adds the peer to its role queue so it can choose which peer to talk to first. Lets say peer A has the blocksize to be 10,000 and the seeders to be 3 and peer B has the blocksize to be 200 and the seeders to be 40. Peer B potentially has to talk to all of peers 3 to 9 to download one torrent and avoid being a bottleneck. 7211a4ac4a